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>>/6979/ You have major issues with being clear and concise. You seem to have a run on thought process in which you get lost in your own train of thought and seem lose focus of the greater issue while fleshing out the smaller points. For the record, that's not an insult. Many of my friends have this quality and although it can be very useful, I often find myself having to direct them back to the argument because they've got themselves lost in thought. I can't respond to most of your post because you're trying to reply to my whole post rather than key points. It makes it very difficult to stay on track. > But everywhere I look, both words mean that both statements are conflicting between each other. Yeah, I was being pedantic. I even acknowledged that there are other definitions. I would never personally use them as there are many more accurate words. > unless that you are going for the precise definition of saying exactly the opposite of what one says, the word is also valid for situations and mockery. so, you were intentionally misusing the word irony? I don't understand. if you wish to demonstrate your point, often you can replace the word in contention with its definition. For example: > well, I have happened to encounter many ironies and paradoxical moments along the way. to well, I have happened to encounter many ironies and "moments that seem to be contradictory, but are nonetheless true" along the way. now replace ironies and end this, I still admit I'm being pedantic still, but I'm having fun with this. plz respondd > I meant with this that my mindset isnĀ“t all that ready for taking things with a more casual approach, especially with a long post for an argument because I am not all that ready for detecting that your joke works in this context and secondly, I am not exactly the most fitting user for making them either. You do seem to have difficulty shifting gears from point to point. I used to be a lot like you and actually, you remind me of a 2010 version of myself. I'm not saying that in a condescending sense, but the only thing that helped me with this was getting out into the trades where every couple months I had to meet a whole new crew of people who were very different from the last. I've always been a weird guy, and I've always had trouble fitting in. I hope you take my lighthearted poking at you as just that. > (at least, in this place but I can start going more casual if you want and adapt the /mlp/ mindset over here) I have never been to mlp, stop it im not a pleb, no bully plz > You work better when it comes to making a party and having fun. I just simply wait for it to end instead. if you mean for this to hit home in real life, you could not be further from the truth. > but I see that you have had fun parodying it you DESERVED to be mocked for that post. And I did have fun. I hope you think my edit critical of the source material AND funny too. > all these long posts from both of us god we're lame. its ridiculous that I look forwards to getting back to respond to you every day.