> I was just curious if there was something special with the formatting or something that endchan didn't like.
> I'm just going to chalk it up to endchan being endchan and go on with my day.
Endchan, despite the upgrades that were delivered without having to see the whole page in white with 500/504 errors, still fails and how the tools (servers and/or engine) still have some room for improvement.
That error of not displaying a Derpibooru image happened to me a few times or the picture sometimes didn't show up at all despite having seen how the whole loading process actually occurred before publishing the reply.
So, what has happened from >>/7011/ to >>/7019/ proves that Endchan still has its own issues (one should take notes about this matter), even if you are posting passively anything without any compromise in a comfy thread like this one.
Leaving a PoLS,by the way.