thumbnail of 2390385__safe_artist-colon-rossmaniteanzu_pharynx_thorax_changedling_changeling_brotherly+love_brothers_changedling+brothers_cute_duo_king+thorax_male_monochrom.jpg
thumbnail of 2390385__safe_artist-colon-rossmaniteanzu_pharynx_thorax_changedling_changeling_brotherly+love_brothers_changedling+brothers_cute_duo_king+thorax_male_monochrom.jpg
2390385__safe_artist-... jpg
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sorry CB, I was focusing on other things in the meantime. 

Okay, so what you mention is that...

> It might discourage you to know DWK did this one too.
in reality, CB, it doesn´t matter in the end. My mentality about these spotlights doesn´t consist  in seeing what other reviewers have said (although one could use them as an element of discussion as well) but doing the exercise of thinking about it on your own. And yeah, I perfectly knew that DWK made a video related to it. 

> I've kinda always wanted to watch it so if I don't have it already downloaded I'll go over it this weekend and comment on it, DWK's take, your take, and potentially ramble further after that.

and, how did it go? have you given it a chance? Although I see that  >>/6959/ you have already found a track related to it. Nice.