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As for /endpone/ itself, I would even wonder how such a small imageboard has managed to get this far. 

Even with its periods of inactivity, this board has delivered more than 7000 posts and I wonder if this will stay alive for the 5 digits. For so few users and relying on quite extensive posts written passively (for the most part), that´s not a small feat. 

There have been a few rules set, a few new stories to share (some of them displayed in the OP), a few episode spotlights and discussion about the show seen in hindsight, a small celebration for the 10th anniversary of gen 4 with the species that marked the spark of this 2nd wave of activity in this board (3 years since those posts in the first NMAiE), its own set of rules, an icon that has managed to get a short lived meme within the community (you can says thanks to the wordfilter) and other threads that would accompany this experience (NSFW, the /chat/ thread and the threads aimed for archiving files).

But for everything that has managed to happen, this board has always stayed there: between the mid point of staying either alive or dead; and while this formula isn´t the ideal one, it has managed to get through this period with this dynamic that it has managed to surpass any expectations set back in the day.

Anything coming from the outside might have been rough but this board... /endpone/ somehow has managed to earn that comfy status and considering all the uncertainty surrounding it, this place has surely worked as a column to hold onto. 

I am not claiming that this place is the most recommended one to visit and definitely, not one that would be active all the time. However, it has its own appeal, relatively speaking and, while everything can be wiped out, this side project keeps going...

What a timeline, really. 

I suppose that anyone who has been active and has kept track out there...yeah, one might have found some relief and one deserves a hug for making it, even if it´s for shitposting purposes only.