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What can I say, really?

I mean, I could extent myself to the point of oblivion, trying to explain what has happened in this 2020. I personally feel fortunate that the end result has turned out to be this one and not any other one. While it´s true that this year could have been better, I am fortunate to be here in the way that I am doing right now. It could have been worse and  lose my father from a heart attack and while there was potential to improve some aspects...I cannot complain, I could have lived a more difficult year than this. I look around and I see that other people aren´t doing so well unfortunately, so relatively speaking, all my circles and I have managed to make it through, pretending that nothing has really happened when a part of me keeps that inner feeling of uncertainty. 

I could write a book or at least, a few worthy pages for making a compelling story (out of this experience on the fan MLP sites alone) because this year has been an adventure and I have my own reasons behind that statement.  But I suppose that I will need more time than this. The only thing that is relevant here is that you are reading these posts and thus, you have enough health to say and shitpost that you have passed this 2020. Now, the problem hasn´t ended but at least, you have a point of reference to hold onto and say to anyone else that you have lived the entire 2020 alive. 

Very few hours remain over here. I would like to set up the prelude for this new year (2021) and while there are still many uncertainties, the certainty of ending this year is absolutely legitimate.
My prelude is this song in order to build up the process before and after the clock sets the needles for the midnight. I remember hearing this during my childhood in some TV programs that aired in the national TV (perhaps an international contest or in advertisements) but I rediscovered this track this December and I am leaving it right here so you can illustrate your own perspective and remind yourselves what has happened to any of you throughout this weird chaotic year.

I guess that these will be my last words for this 2020 and there is no other way for me to end this last discourse without saying this:

Congratulations /endpone/, you´ve all made it! Happy New Year!

...see you in 2021, it´s been a pleasure to have shared these moments with you...
