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> is their a "thing" against mutiple stables sharing the same name

A part of what is loved about Fallout lore is the history of a particular vault, or 'stable' here.

As one song quotes, "You have to understand ... the stables were never designed to save anypony.

They're all screwed up, deliberately, leading to a uniquely catastrophic failure. The FoE canon reason was the CMC believed pony society, as they understand it, was fundamentally flawed to have ever allowed this war to happen in the first place. So each stable, sans two (#1 & #2, for specific familiar reasons) were designed as a laboratory of sorts. A test run to see if wildly changing just this one aspect would fix everything which of course it didn't. Even the stable where the stallions ran things sorta fell apart, though that wasn't cultural so much as a hardware failure, I think. I don't remember now.