Aqua Shine... png
(4.17 MB, 1500x2123)
> liked so much. To the point I am posting it just because.
That´s quite nice to hear and after mixing the edits and this thread...yeah, it makes sense why one would be appealed to it. I wouldn´t would cling to that picture as the greatest standout on my personal ranking but yeah, it looks quite unique in comparison with other pictures in its league.
Now, I might be the only person on Earth who has decided to share this particular image. Less than 3 favorites and only 40 views.
Not sure why I decided to pick this image out of the entire deviantart gallery last month (with all the crowded stuff unorganized while browsing the pages) but it´s managed to be more enjoyable in my eyes than I expected at first from it.
So, if you consider yourself a weirdo, hold my New Reply button because posting this image feels like I am the ultimate hipster in this department. Nothing extraordinary nor complicated to gather, just picking unnoticed stuff.