poorlymadeba... png
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> I can only assume no one is posting because we're all collectively holding our breaths to see every other pony drown,
I've just had IRL stuff arise.
> thinking if we can stay conscious long enough we can watch the world explode and burn in its victory candescence of sudden socialism?
Well, I'm placing my bets on a compromise be more of a corporatism
> I hold out hope that America will continue to exist, but it's no longer obvious what our path forward will be. And yes, if America falls, the other holdouts will deteriorate into either chaos, authoritarianism, or become a lifeless wasteland like the last alternate future Glim-Glam & the princess worked together to create.
I think we are far from total collapse but near on a way of a repression/unrest of some form. I don't like to be hyperbolic but I'm not going to be blindly opportunistic either.
Yes, it has occurred to my attention that endchan coming under attack is a possibility. Been in on the fringes of my mind sense Christchurch and has only intensified after the summer. I've been shopping around for bunkers among other considerations among broader considerations on resistance to a possible repressive wave on the internet as a whole.
I will share this chart I was working on (it sucks, but it's only a very eary WIP).
Red is complete repression or near complete repression.
Orange is under strong attack/in progress.
Yellow is under mid level attack/scrutiny.
Blue is not under attack or strong scrutiny but while it maybe "safe" today it is only a few steps away from attack.
Green is safe/not on the radar at all.
And the horrible cyan to red backgrounds represents mainstream to underground.
Mixed colors represent complex situations, say, Tor, both "safe" and a hot bed for all the main players, or decentralized social networks, often run by complete SJWs yet the model itself is pretty resistant and useful for this time.