I, honestly have some issues with the colors. You could make arguments for all the big social being a different state of bad. Should altchans be blue, with those crazy honeypots and other mysterious antics? It works for my example atm. 

In this environment one of the most critical things will be keeping the "battle" on the larger social networks for as long as possible; hopefully until viable alternatives can be made and hardened. At the very least having a broad swath of the public off the larger social networks to the point that those social network and other services will be unable to control and be a all consuming filter. Ideally this would be alternatives large and small but in practice it maybe one or two "punching bags" gaining some stability while being a filter to a wider ecosystem. 

Wait, what does this have to do with endchan and /endpone/ at this point? Well, perhaps I got a bit carried away in explaining the situation but the basic picture is that I have been alert and contemplating this and won't let it take down /endpone/ so easily  or elsewhere.  I maybe a unredpilled moderate compared to some but I do  not intent to take this laying down.

> The discussion is cluttered because so many bots are there, and also it seems some ill-advised thread bakers are trying to direct the discussion ... to here.
Everytime I've taken a look on there it's such a mess, but this makues me what to try to track this bot activity.