thumbnail of _comm__blackfeenix_by_woonborg_dd5wkoc-fullview.png
thumbnail of _comm__blackfeenix_by_woonborg_dd5wkoc-fullview.png
_comm__blackfeenix_by... png
(1.33 MB, 1280x897)
> tfw a background Endchan user in the community decides to upload this picture on Derpibooru  >>/7182/ that was uploaded on Tumblr and Deviantart for years
> gets featured on EQD

It really makes one person think....

I can´t tell if I should find this amusing or not but I suppose that it´s already been noticed by the mainstream circles. 

> Fitting for it to be on the end then.
> If it´s enjoyable around here, then it has done more than enough already.

this is what happens when certain artists don´t archive/upload their stuff on the boorus. Rediscovered among the /endpone/ circles, got a little bit more popular everywhere else. It remains obscure and gets drowned among other thousand pictures, overshadowing any slice of popularity. Though this is often the norm with many underground music records but when it comes to MLP´s weird to not find all the pictures uploaded on the boorus (except for artist who explicitly want to sign into the DNP list).

> Honestly it looks pretty good. Lighting is nice. Those bubbles though? 10/10
you are not the only fan who finds it warm. I can confirm it.