> No, watch it be worse than that watch us be the only board that survives Gen 5...
Woah woah, hold on there. Surviving gen 4´s ending and 2020 has cost quite a bit and plenty of ups and downs that could have made this board disappear at anytime yet it doesn´t fall short in the insanity ranking.
But surviving the entire gen? For 5 years at least while other places like /mlp/ crumble? I have checked the data on 4stats.io and /mlp/ has returned to levels that resemble quite closely the activity displayed on late 2016. The board has managed to beat the numbers of 2018 and 2019 in these last couple of years so...
/mlp/ might lose interest in the gen because of "Insert any reason here" but we are talking about the huge titan that even recovers quite a lot of activity throughout the drama episodes. So, putting /endpone/ as the only board that survives...I buy that with 8kun but not with the mother of all the boards (yes, I know that other imageboards were created before /mlp/ in 2012 but you can see what i mean with this statement)