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If I understand it right, Hasbro's quartely report call or something will happen in a couple of weeks and we should know more then.
> they are going to repeat the names, which would overlap and cause some unnecessary confusions
Has happened before with Hasbro, with a series in a somewhat similar position too. Transformers Robots in Disguise was a quick replacement done to hold over while they worked on a new show. Though the new show wasn't done till much later in 2015, so it ain't a exact one on one comparison here.
> Woah woah, hold on there. Surviving gen 4´s ending and 2020 has cost quite a bit and plenty of ups and downs that could have made this board disappear at anytime yet it doesn´t fall short in the insanity ranking.
To be fair I was thinking of the fires of drama destorying everywhere else.
> /mlp/ might lose interest in the gen because of "Insert any reason here"
I actually think that is much less likely to happen because it is a sequel. It'd have to mess up in a very weird way to not have a hatedom following it at least as they make Twilight Sparkle a crazied authoritarian that needs to relearn her diversity lessons.