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> It is interesting that Derpibooru has that affect, as unfortunate as that is from a administrative standpoint of who owns that site.
after this summer, I can confirm this with absolute certainty.
> Derpibooru arguably has more power within the fandom but I wonder how much outsider edgement exists and how the social circles work... Ya know what? I'm tired and the post I am trying to make sounds better in my head.
phew, you are tackling a topic that would worthy of a thesis and one should have had a very good eye observing the impact between the dedicated fan sites and social media. Yeah,go for it whenever you feel like putting your thinking cap on (even though there is no need to do so but this board tends to do it anyway. Take it easy.
As you said in the OP:
> Sit back. Relax and take your shoes off. And dive in to the ocean depths.
hopefully, you and those who are reading this thread have had a good night.