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But let´s imply that everything is necessarily correlated to drugs and a mushroom trip. Actually the track There is presented with an actual trippy part in the last third of the song that doesn´t last very much but: There > I began to notice shifts in the wind, and the sky opened to reveal a vast and ever changing amalgamation of vivid colors, some near incomprehensible. > I continued on, noting a greater sense of self than ever before, an overwhelming freedom surpassing anything I could imagine. I was alone, but it was as though I was one with the world considering the string arrangements (which reminds me of the track The Long Road (1983), namely in the last minute of the song) and voice accompanied with the repeated layers heard within the track, we are finding ourselves with a production of neo-psychedelia. In this case, considering that psychedelia was born out of the use for using psychedelic drugs and the heavy implications that the artist might convey, then we could perfectly imply that Radiarc might be repeating similar steps which Jason Pierce (Spiritualized) had to go through. He composed songs that portrayed the sense of reaching the space but feeling a sense of void from the inside. You get higher and higher but you realize that, despite the sense of greatness, there is nothing there.To sum it up, he made this 1998 production as a response of losing her girlfriend, transmitting those pains and relying on drugs behind his works. Radiarc, though,he relies more on events that transmit a sense of a flawed memory. If we take look at the Remember Me description, you can tell that before and after taking said trip, he doesn´t particularly hide it very much the implied meaning behind these lines: > Tessellations and fractals surged through the flowers and grass, and I, too, emanated an aura infinitely intricate, yet idiosyncratic; no other soul was to be seen, yet I felt as though I was not alone > The rest was a blur. All I can remember now are thoughts and emotions, and the beginning of a sense of clarity. Perhaps I did remember, but not completely. I was sad, nostalgic...I recall the scent of ashes scattered in the wind and a pain gradually welling in my heart. I hope that Radiarc doesn´t follow Jason´s actions when it comes to the personal life otherwise, one could visit the hospital more than once