> I could have perfectly done that before typing the reply but I wanted to figure out on my own how to identify the genres out of an insane one such as electronic music
Oh, the chaos of musical genres.

> At the end of the day, any artist will do whatever they want and these labels become mostly irrelevant,
Unless they themselves stick to some hyper-specificity, say the genre has a really specific goal or defining trait, otherwise I agree, at least for electronic  

> I commit the sin of relying on really known stuff of the past, barely visiting the site for checking out the releases, 
Maybe in the /mu/ world but I'd say it's pretty normal to stick with what  ya know and not reach out too much once you've reached a critical mass of stuff to listen to with a defined taste. 

Anyway, on to the topic:
> it provides a relaxing mood with pretty whimsical passages.Immediately after listening to it, I couldn´t help but checking out Elegiac,released in 2001.
Those are very similar in spirit. Only difference, in my mostly untrained mind, Radiarc has more instruments his orchestral background shining through a bit at points. 

>  I don´t think that transmitting emotive instrumental music should always be associated with the mental pains of the musician who composes it. 
Oh, I completely agree, heck same could be said for a lot of trippy stuff, but I had heard that he had been having some actual struggles in life.

> Radiarc, though,he relies more on events that transmit a sense of a flawed memory. If we take look at the Remember Me description, you can tell that before and after taking said trip, he doesn´t particularly hide it very much the implied meaning behind these lines:
I mean, I suppose it could be a just a narrative, but usually when I see something that looks drug influenced by an artist it is at, least a little bit.  

>  otherwise, one could visit the hospital more than once 
As CB said,  >>/7320/
> As I said above, about Unjust, he's been doing this a while. I wouldn't worry directly.