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> Nonetheless, just because music induces to deal with those blurry imaginative trips, it doesn´t imply that both the artists and listeners contribute to those sense because of said substances.

I happened upon it, her, the dark crystal in her. All at once.

Was it Zecora? It... She was next to me, yet there was something in the trees.

And it felt like her presence. Like her soul was beckoning me to leave my body and join her in the trees.

She was the trees.

It she though was both the most comforting presence I ever felt yet the maw of I huge beast that wanted to engulf my soul.

Then it a moment" it she was gone and my chance for eternity taken.'' 

See? I can do it too with no drugs. I don't assume with 100% it is drugs just that with that subtext in some of his words just my first instinct to take it at face value.

though consulting his descriptions and comments on YT reveal a  darker drive beyond a trip:
< This song has a bit of a dark origin, but it's been on my mind for a while, and it was nice to finally throw myself at it. Not sure I have much else to say other than, for once, I'm really happy with how this came out, even if it isn't quite perfect.
< This is one of the first songs on an album I'm working on, meant to be a follow up to The Fulcrum. I wasn't really too sure what to do for this, because everything I'd attempted just didn't get the point across, but it clicked eventually, after listening to other songs that dealt well with bitter souls and feelings of regret. It's kind of strange; I ended up taking a break from this to clear my mind, and when I came back, I just understood it because I felt it. I've been feeling rather isolated as of late both by and without choice, and I feel this is the lingering sentiment that I'll be leaving with. I don't know when, but for all of those that weren't there for me despite all the times I was there for them, I'm going, and I'm never coming back. I've sacrificed so much of my life for others that forget I even exist, and I'm done.

...Oh and a drug trip:
> I don't even know what to say about this, other than I've never made a song that I felt represented me more than this one. This is going to be the art used for the album when I complete it, and I feel it says everything I want to convey. I've gone through many things in life, but this year, I feel completely different, like I'm seeing a world that I couldn't before. And it's wonderful. The last trip I took was so beautiful and vivid, and I'm so incredibly positive that I'm on the path to live the life I truly want. It was's as though I've never been happy before. 

So yeah, I wanted to reinforce the point that certain correlations that settled the norm in the past doesn´t necessarily have to do anything that the people involved in it need drugs for consuming/creating a musical trip that resembles said experience (even if the original roots of this genre were spawned because of it)
This is still 100% correct though.