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Mini news reaction roundup

My thoughts on G5 are low but not 100% negative. 3d is okay for the movie but 3d for the show does concern me as if I go by what I hear second hand of 3d shows general reputation: not bad but often formulaic and a little bland at times. I think, based what I see, the framing of a activist going to fix Equestria is going to be mostly a PR framing over how the show is though I would still expect some social justice to show up considering the times. 

Though, bigger concerns are the nature of it being a sequel itself. Are the mane6 figures of legend and a whole lot of time past or did Twilight fail or some calamity happen? Was the last problem really a tragedy like I feared? They market it as it being in the same canon, the same world so I would be surprised if it takes place too far off...  at least Twilight is going to be there, right? 

Only thing I say that is positive atm if it does not go for full mediocrity or lackluster Rainbow Falls style kid friendliness I will be actively interested in it way more than I ever thought I would be due to its connection to G4. Won't be a fav but may have stuff that I could at least use for fan content  Twi being a sad exile of her fallen kingdom?  

So, new Transformers/MLP crossover in may? Need to read the first then, LOL! Still totally out of the loop in the comics world.