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>>/7323/ > Those are very similar in spirit. Only difference, in my mostly untrained mind, Radiarc has more instruments his orchestral background shining through a bit at points. before linking that track, I mostly linked it so I could use a point of reference and prove that nothing gets to be created in a vacuum, even inadvertently. It simply means that there is similar stuff that one might like and share something of that style in order to call Radiarc´s track Downtempo and Ambient so you could see that I wasn´t inventing anything for calling it like that. I wanted to compare it with something reminiscent that I had heard before and wouldn´t stay all that far away from what I heard somewhere else. Still, all this exercise doesn´t intend to downplay Radiarc´s creativity at all. In fact, pushing the boundaries, moving forward, putting your own spin within the music...even if they sound similar, I still can appreciate perfectly when I hear both tracks. After all,what matters the most is that the artist gets to find his own sound,blend it with more experimentation (change) and reappropriate everything to their own with a different context (in this case,seen in the descriptions and not in the lyrics because we are talking about instrumental music) > heck same could be said for a lot of trippy stuff, but I had heard that he had been having some actual struggles in life. then that real evidence can actually be correlated within the context of his creative works because this would explain the process behind for that production. Otherwise, people wouldn´t get it all that clear even though drugs getting to interfere among music artists has become so recurrent and incredibly common since the 60s that it´s understandable why people would instantly think about drugs as soon as they notice a reference related to them...which is... > I mean, I suppose it could be a just a narrative, but usually when I see something that looks drug influenced by an artist it is at, least a little bit. ...what you have claimed right here. Just don´t be surprised if it doesn´t always get to be the case of what you imply though. > As CB said, >>/7320/ yeah, indeed. Just that I compared him with another artist who was writing about similar topics of transportation and actually composed orchestral music with trippy vibes like Radiarc does. Of course, I fall into the fallacy of A led to B, so C will arrive at B in the same way for being similar in terms of music sounds and themes when it doesn´t have to work that way at all. >>/7324/ > See? I can do it too with no drugs. I don't assume with 100% it is drugs just that with that subtext in some of his words just my first instinct to take it at face value. well, more than drugs, I would even connect it to spiritualism even. What I mean here is that people tend to look at things too literally (I do this sometimes, I am not free of this pattern either) What I wanted to transmit with all my posts has been about judging the words in the literary sense. Like poetry does with repetition,rhymes, recurrent elements, how the words are structured, amount of syllables in each verse, the literary figures (metaphors, allegories, similes, hyperbatons...)... stuff that is completely independent of the context outside the creative work. You can imply about the context/intentions from the author but that doesn´t always correlate that you will always turn out to be right for approaching it in that manner. In short, I meant that if you want to venture implying about some personal/psychological context of his words, that´s fine (music is often used as a therapy for many people). Just that I would need some real context in order to associate the work with the artist, finding himself in a drug trip and said context would help at understanding the work in a way.