7thEl_Every mp3
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> his descriptions and comments on YT reveal a darker drive
The hidden truth about "write what you know" is that, you're really good at writing about your own experiences, potentially good at writing about vicarious experiences ... and we can all tell when you're guessing and/or just sympathizing.
That's a little harder to tell with music, because just like people respond to music differently, musicians interact with their music differently. But I still posit that you can't perform angry music if you've never been angry enough to justify the music and how angry it is.
When everything for a time from an artist is a little bit creepy ... it means they've been places they probably shouldn't have been. The particulars, and how it relates to the particulars in their art could certainly seem to divert, trading one tragedy for another, but the emotion it caused vs. the emotion they're causing should be, roughly at least, comparable.
I've seen that pan out too often to disbelieve it entirely, even though I remember arguing with my parents that listening to rock'n'roll didn't necessarily mean I was trying or planning on living a life of excess.
> whatever plot device they come up with that justifies why they are in conflict.
I know but honestly, everypony wore their mane like that back then.
In other news, PoLMp by Seventh Element. We had the Ministry Mares, In Her Mind, and the Equestrian Wasteland albums, all incredibly dark.
To misquote Humperdink from that dream sequence, "perhaps you will not find him so dark, now."