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One note here
> When everything for a time from an artist is a little bit creepy ... it means they've been places they probably shouldn't have been. The particulars, and how it relates to the particulars in their art could certainly seem to divert, trading one tragedy for another, but the emotion it caused vs. the emotion they're causing should be, roughly at least, comparable.
In a way, this is very similar to the poststructural critical race theory somewhat marxist stuff that is currently in vogue. Their obsession with the authenticity of the various identities of the artists. For it is impossible for anyone but them to truly write or even know how to feel empathy for, said states without experiencing it.

What I'll say is that, I'm not sure  how much I extent that too all art but I am open to those with experience in X usually or often writing X. 

> Have you checked out the rest of his album? Homage to the '80s all the way through.
I am certainly going too!

> Have I ... mentioned my age? Being 45 might affect this conversation.
I think it certainly would have something of affect, nearly twice of us pre 25 year olds.

> Whatever. Peace, and enjoy your weekend.
You too!

> //midlife crisis, much?
Only partly, wanting to cruise around and travel I would consider universal desire of any age. 

> they reached the 5 digits not long ago with gen 5´s announcement. Back to the numbers of 2015/16, I think (edit: around 14000 posts)
Post G4, still posting pone it seems.

> not so weird if you consider the users who normally use it...

> Otherwise, you would have to remove all traces of it in order to progress as an artist...and this doesn´t seem to go away anytime soon...
I wounder if it is just social stigma and fandom drama or whatever. It's just so weird when I see people leave pony but maintain interesting in several other fandoms at once.

> postmodern franchise (consumption for the masses)
I disagree on G4 being postmodern, but that would be opening up a can of worms that would require some digging on a few Pdfs I saved some years ago.