> either a relative's health has collapsed, or your parents are separating. I suppose there could be other implications but I can't guess at them right now.
yeah, you´ve nailed it. It´s the latter.
You can´t even imagine what has been happening and I have been thinking over the course of this past week. It´s very complicated to explain and putting all of you (or any outsider) in context with proper explanations... I would have to write like the length of that episode spotlight or even more. It´s not worth the effort because the whole situations has been gravitating around a rambling territory (besides personal and intimate matters that I would have to mention as well for getting it).
But yeah, in short, the procedures for the divorce are starting. Even today, I have had to rest mentally because the mental charge from extreme emotions or thoughts within my head have been changing in a matter of hours (especially from Tuesday to Saturday) and the whole situation has shaken up completely my mind as well as the familiar matters.
Tonight, I feel more rested and everything mostly boils down to managements and fortunately enough, the tensions are pretty much over.
> My parents talked about it, but after living in a motel for two weeks they managed to get back together.
I don´t think that this case will work out in the same way as yours did because in my case, we are talking about giving many chances to my father, eating up many shortcomings and problems from his part (that could have even cost us the house) and I believe that this one doesn´t stem from a heated decision but more of a progressive one that has been kept in silence for decades. It´s just that the bubble burst all of a sudden and it was bound to happen eventually, one way or another.