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>>/7395/ > Though I have seen anons on their end characterize as odd ball cousins I guess being the bastard son would be a better analogy wouldn't it? yeah, mostly because...except for counted exceptions (and the possible lurkers who have been wandering at some point around here), /endpone/ has been left on its own. Now, I am not going to blame anyone here and one has to put it on the context that no one else would come here and care about an insular board that didn´t stand out from the rest. It was meant to be a refuge for a while and that was its initial and only purpose that everyone seemed to assume before the end of 2017 (including me by the way). The bastard son characteristic that fits after the fact, not at the time of its creation. > Even when the parent board is sick usually the others just die off cough cough, ponychan and co I'm trying to think of a case were the offshoot ever outlined or became something else other than a lesser version of its parent and I am falling short. eh, don´t think that this way to outlive the parent is by a landslide. It´s simply that the same users keep replying loyally but if you ask me, this board has always been prone to get wiped out all of a sudden at some point. The blackout of 2018 hit hard but curiousity and a strange loyalty kept this board alive (for its standards of course). If anything, we are simply checking the levels of death for each imageboard. Anyone would assume that /endpone/ is dead for the normal standards but it keeps running mostly with the same pace and certain peaks that happen every now and then. Here, we have decided to check if 8kun was just either dead or a corpse without any remedy. /endpone/ never entered into a freezing state but a latent one that was waiting for its moment to come. However, we have checked that one can post on 8/pone/ (and I did that while I was lying on bed and posting on mobile at 2AM!) and thus, it seems that the board finds itself in a state of normal death (except that the BO doesn´t show up and the process to claim it is pretty messed up) > This year has been pretty bad for imageboards, hasn't it? died, 7chan died and now it appears 8/pone has as well. and /endpone/ saw the birth of 2 months of activity and then, it falls apart.