thumbnail of 2822437__safe_artist-colon-faline-dash-art_derpibooru+import_breezie_flower_lily+28flower29_solo.jpg
thumbnail of 2822437__safe_artist-colon-faline-dash-art_derpibooru+import_breezie_flower_lily+28flower29_solo.jpg
2822437__safe_artist-... jpg
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> just dealing with a illness that knocked me out pretty good.
are you resting correctly these days at least? That doesn´t sound very good, considering that you have been announcing the update for a while and that happens...

well, I see that you are still posting regardless of that event so, you are still alive and kicking. Badly...but with a blanket.

> Heresy.
woah woah calm down. Not everyone can spend 1000€ on a mobile and the people who do it, they do it for the same purpose: the camera (except for maybe gaming but that´s for a more specific audience). If Equestria has advanced so much in technology, I could call them cheaters...because they have magic (it works inconsistently, but the difference cannot be overlooked). Perhaps I should have been born in a higher social class so I could beat the gen 5 pegasus but I was born for turning into an average plebeian. I was never lucky in that sense, I guess. 

Although I wonder if she uses the mainstream social media, her followers would leave in her profile some """fascinating""" responses to check out every now and then...

> Maybe that should be /endpone/'s mission statement.
the ride never ends as they say. The problem with /endpone/, that other people might not get at first, is that whenever you genuinely assume that the ride has ended for real, it keeps going as soon as you look the other way.

> We could use more /comfy/ posting in some spots though... let me fix that
yeah. I do have a seapony picture prepared for that purpose (and was uploaded recently) but I am reserving that image. Instead, I am posting a more unusual species that you don´t see here very often. Mostly because of the environment in general.