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> are you resting correctly these days at least? That doesn´t sound very good, considering that you have been announcing the update for a while and that happens...
Yes, though did a tiny bit of pysical work.

How the heck does food poising leave me with light headedness six days later I don't know. It's almost gone now but not completely.

> Not everyone can spend 1000€ on a mobile 
LOL, I was talking about smartphones existence. 

Mobileposting joke.

> The problem with /endpone/, that other people might not get at first, is that whenever you genuinely assume that the ride has ended for real, it keeps going as soon as you look the other way.
I remember some thinking all the way back in 2015 that the fandom was dead. 

Maybe it is, but the ride hasn't ended and /endpone/ is a zombie...
 or a unkillable Sithlord. 

> nstead, I am posting a more unusual species that you don´t see here very often. Mostly because of the environment in general.
I dig that Breezie pic.

> While the FLOSS GSI was a disappointment, I feel pretty okay about it.
Honestly been thinking about getting a alt OS myself for awhile. Just to finally fully unplug from the botnet.  Other than owning a smartphone at all puts me at some risk. 

What type of build did ya use?