thumbnail of 503208__safe_artist-colon-mirroredsea_pony_beautiful_bubble_bust_cute_female_looking+at+you_my+little+pony-colon-+the+movie_novobetes_portrait_profile_queen_qu.jpg
thumbnail of 503208__safe_artist-colon-mirroredsea_pony_beautiful_bubble_bust_cute_female_looking+at+you_my+little+pony-colon-+the+movie_novobetes_portrait_profile_queen_qu.jpg
503208__safe_artist-c... jpg
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> Some you just can't.
Definitely not. There are various reasons why not all images should be edited. In this case,it's because of a lack of an interesting perspective or any kind of improvement to even bother with the adjustments. 

> Speaking of that I need to dig out my unposted edits folder.
3rd thread revival incoming!

> Is it a certain queen?
That she smiles because she notices that you have asked a rethorical question,appealing to her.

By the way,her smile and her looks from her face shape a very defined impression. You even wonder if her face is cloned from other images (lidded eyes,purple colored pupils, an aura of sassyness...)

> Indeed, it looks just below Celstia's and Luna's in terms of majestic level--as arbitrary as that judgement may seem.

It seems arbitrary and not all the artworks related to her pan out to that majestic direction. Nevertheless, Novo,while not the fairest replacement for Celestia (nothing can replace the white alicorn), when it comes to this species,she comes pretty close to the level that radiates from the royal sisters. Very different in attitude but visually speaking, if one wants to achieve and express majestic vibes with seaponies,Novo serves as the most fitting option for this task.She doesn't come out as the most graceful, but she is capable to offer her own beauty without being a carbon copy of the Canterlot princesses (pic related)

> Night /endpone/!
Have a good night and POLSeapony,royal edition