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How do a haiku?
Can I follow the rule though?
Did I already fail?

My urge is to rhyme. 
But the stars aren't aliened, though
Poetry wasn't strong. 

A mere simpleton I am.
My grasp English uncertain. 
But you raise ponish?  

//My what a burden! See I want to rhyme.

Ponies speak something.
Their tough we cannot know it.
Is it even horse?

Show English laden.
Meanings drawn impossible for pones.
Drowned in culture. 
//This line don't work well, I mean in our culture some meaning are rooted and may not go with  completely horse sounds. Similar to how some pony tools looks made for humans.

If we study their words. 
Horseshoes and symbols unknown; 
yet a latin script.

//Alright, too tired to do more at the moment but I may give another go at this.

> Which amusingly, got a reply of high praise. 
You taught me to how to do it properly  maybe  So you get some high praise as well. 

Most of the gist of my thoughts are in the haiku though I have a theory to suggest that I will post later  Too tired right now 

I guess this was a PoLHP (Proof of Life Haiku post?) 

This maybe of tangential value: