NotQ-vore_PnyThr jpg
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are any of you familiar with "poetry"? How about the villanelle? I listened to a podcast recently that mentioned it, though I'd heard it before, and named as your writing "homework" to write your own poem.
Uhm ... here you go?
a noise made -- locate that!
packed and encamped, a trek for hell.
both ponies and there we sat.
treasure interdimensionally, we assumed they were right
straight outta Doom, portal tech's might.
A noise made -- locate that!
A thousand steps starting in the middle of nowhere
technical intereference, rules & laws only in this sphere.
both ponies and there we sat.
Men? Mice? Found our packs and off we trek.
Every enemy and obstacle at our reserves did peck.
A noise made -- locate that!
Scientists all wrong, this wasn't what we thought,
their magic here didn't work like anything we were taught.
both ponies and there we sat.
Natives watch as you change you when you go through.
now one of the locals, whether you walked, leapt or flew.
"a noise made -- locate that!"
both ponies, and there we sat.