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Okay, this little short has gotten /mlp/'s attention and I am posting a microreview of it here because it fan art is starting to spread on it. Right now I wouldn't call it a explosion but it has gotten the boards attention and it has the potential to get some fandom of the wider fandom as well.
7.5/10 it is good. A bit generic but the characters for rip offs/parody are a not designed okay enough. Athena looks enough for me to call her slightly original though, she does bare a resemblance to Princess Molestia Not-queen Chrysalis is just... well Queen Chrysalis. The live action props and photoshoped stuff feels above average and pretty well integrated for a short ( probably because this guy is a ex Disney animator)
8 out of 10. I can the Disney here. Times when things in most other web animations look a little jaggy don't. Little extra details and some subtle gestures do make this standout some in this regard. The mix of animation, IRL scenes, photoshop and just still photos is surprisingly well done and ingratiated as opposed to what I am used to seeing with projects that mix stuff up like this. One critique though is that the animation on /mlp/ is being slightly overpraised. It is a worthy accomplishment but nI am not willing to say that it is something that has exceeded FiM in all aspects or our top level fan content even with that hint of a Disney feel and I can still see a hint of the cut cornors of a normal web animation as well. at least to my amateur eyes
5/10 Tricking Athena into fighting something something apes something just to take her out on a date wasn't very compelling and cringe. It has this feel of lollygagging around through various shenanigans. The homages to the end with older cartoon's while individually alright don't fully fit well the previous thing Athena wondering around in a slightly spooky Snipe hunt. Then again, from my understanding that this is a Disney animator just messing around in retirement and looking at the stats on his channel this was probably made for his own amusement as much as anything else so it's not something I'm going to be mad at or anything.
Voice Acting
> and do it carefully and sparingly, relying on visual storytelling to cover up how similar all the characters sound.
Relevant for here actually and it's not that. 4/10 Not awful. I would say him as the wolf actually does fit perfectly, Not-Cryissy is decent, but the Anthea don't work with his voice even through a filter and I want to say that have heard efforts before even back in 2011 doing this that sounded more female then him. Also, I have a hard time understanding his voice as a human and sometimes I couldn't make it out at all (I rarely use headphones or have my volume too high though so take that into account). In his favor he knows how to act, that is for sure, and he certainly doesn't sound wooden in his dialog and that is in itself a talent but I think his older gruff voice has a harder time pulling off all that it needs to.
So all and all, perhaps a 5.5/10 experience for me? I don't hate and like some of the animation but I am far from a fan of it.
Side note:
> Muttley
What of all things I wouldn't have expected to see Muttley in anything remotely related to pone. I had forgotten about Dastardly and Muttley's cartoon but I used to see it fairly often on Boomerang while growing up. Now the theme song is stuck in my head.