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LookAtCadence jpg
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> crghlabr45r5pqkgnbgehywk5nxutdks5iss7tabyux5psikqqjirryd onion 
thanks for the link!  Wow it looks like this chan has been through a bit of a wild ride hasn't it 

So, fun fact, when I went looking on e621 for the particular possum girl, I couldn't find her for anything and had to resort to yahoo-images, found the artist, went back to e621 and found she's tagged as a virginia_opossum not a possum, which shows a completely different set of critters.
I wonder why they went with the full techincal term over just opposum at least: 
> Most English speakers who encounter the creature drop the Virginia and refer to it simply as an opossum. Except that's not quite right, because most of us call it a possum. 

> Do you know who else is a Virginia opossum? Tiberius!
  Tiberius, stay away from the furries. 

> So have a shot of him aboard the fuzzy princess as drawn by Inuhoshi to Darkpen, whose fuzzy images I've always adored
I really like this image. Brings a small smile. 

> 7.5/10 it is good. A bit generic but the characters for rip offs/parody are a not designed okay enough. 
are not designed  okay enough. Also, didn't capitalize art.  I am typing though after s1 night of no sleep so more mistakes may make themseleves know. 

Looks like we are getting more Guardians of Ponytonia. I am certainly curious to see how this goes.