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> I've mentioned them 
Oh yeah, I listened to some of this because of you!

>  because the managers at ASoS are responsible to protect their 'brand' and there are few other means of doing it besides the atomic banhammer of the DMCA.
I actually understand the perspective. Even if not a source of revenue I can understand protecting that in principle or for legal reason over making an exception for something that doesn't make money least piracy is encouraged later on*.  Problem lies with if/when some of this stuff disappears. 

*Powerful counterpoint I can come up with to that but I am too lazy to atm.
**Need to go in what I consider the ethics of this more thoroughly sometime.

> But there are simpler explanations available.
Indeed, for this, it is merely the actions of ASOS.

> Such perversions are unfit for our society.
And the metric system.

> Read up on it.
I am aware of the story but it would probably be good to brush up.