> Hail Princess Luna of the seven seas and defender of /endpone/ from lower quality series of other hasbro franchises!
maybe she will defend us from other lower quality series that come from Hasbro. However, she is surely making a HUGE effort to step into the sea without leaving none of us indifferent
> Really, this pony is cute and I needed something to replace the long overdue april fools post
....when your replacement of that April Fools Joke becomes the actual joke that turns into reality (sort of)...
I appreciate your excitement, Bridgefag but...it makes me wonder if anyone out there would think that the header was actually all that relevant that people could mistake their first impressions of this oard. DonĀ“t get me wrong, she looks gorgeous (just like these pictures), just that I ask myself if any random lurker could feel inspired for coming up with future content because of that header.
It would be too much of a coincidence...but one never knows about the powers of a PoLS...