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> Bridgefag,what have you done? You have decided to take the whole into a dive? Aren´t you aware that this could affect the overseas as well...?
I don't care if CIA, NSA, Woot, Derpi, United Chans, Sportschan, or whoever else takes up arms against cute Shark ponies. She stays

> I think that there other videos that you link later shows a few small nuances in her personality that complements Shawn pretty well.
Agreed. I've seen some anons think that she was based mixing Cadence and Celestia togather but she is drawing on some 1980s cartoons a bit as well with her crown and "guardian" theme over being a Princess. 

> I repeat, the first video was meant to be a shitpost and he would call it a day. 
> The fact that he is more passionate about this stuff proves how well received this project has turned out for him.
This 100%. It'll be interesting to see where he takes it and how far. For him, he has already had the height of his career so I could see this being him just goofing around for a short while or him really running with it because, well, height of his career, why not? Whatever he does, it'll be determined from his own enjoyment. 

> Tiberius to stay away from furries? You have written two incoherent posts next to each other lmao
It was supposed to be a joke due to those anthro opossums (as in, they would corrupt him) but the irony is strong there. 

>  one of the greatest doesn´t get to swear at all. He died last year unfortunately

> after a fair amount of time inactive, I have finally posted a few replies over here today. I wanted to report in tonight so I would deliver some evidence that I am passively lurking over here.

> Molly is just a desaturated Celly, and Athena isn't even an alicorn -- just a large pegasus with a winged crown.
Athena, from her height and size, seems more a stand in for Celestia then being a mere pegasus, as Ilustrious is a stand in for Chrissy.

> The whole thing would have been so much better if he'd left himself out, honestly.
Honestly, can see this, as I initially said,
> I don't hate and like some of the animation but I am far from a fan of it. 
For me I have warmed up on it some but I think that it is understandable to be turned off by it and I still find parts of it hard to watch.