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>  I consider myself fortunate to not have been the case for it, considering the nature of this format. Huge respect to those who have been lurking and waiting for me so I could naturally develop this thread.
At the time, we were the only folks here. I understand both refraining opening a thread like this now and opening a thread like this back then, still it is great how it got to evovle.

> This idea was planned amidst the spring confinement (during late April)
2020 I presume?

> I never put myself into it because I would need to keep up with the level of writing that I had shown in the last fic and later on, I would run into many problems that would hinder my mental/emotional stability.
Quality versus letting the emotion flow, plus life stuff putting a damper upon it. I can completely understand that. I mean, coming from someone who has several incomplete fics sitting for here, stuff can get in the way.

Does this mean that there won´t be any sequel? A sequel cannot be discarded at all but I truly wonder how it will turn out in terms of quality 
I think perfectionism should not alone dampen any spark of creativity you have. A worry of performance can only paralyze you, 

> (if I properly get into it at all)
Though a lack of desire is something different. If you don't have the desire, then don't worry...

but if you do, perhaps reading a fic or two maybe in order  Maybe I'll recommended one 

> One cannot close the door to anything and thus, I want to leave it slightly open, just in case...
And I reach in ever so slightly, ready to withdraw my hand but just as ready to step through...