> I could have become the public idiot of my persona (which would have been even worse)
I guess you'd then be called LOL23.
> , I was writing to the same person after all and I was imagining mirages that weren´t actually here.
My first thought of this was me and a bunch of cardboard cut outs Though BO was there... watching us
> (thus, these same points feel more digestible and less harsh).
A lot of things can come down to tone and presentation. Two people can make totally the same point and the meaning be lost with one.
> . /endpone/ served me as a bubble to disconnect from the pandemic and forget about the fact that I wouldn´t be able to get out of the flat for two months unless that I went shopping for basic stuff
/endpone/ was for me two in a way, a outlet, a distraction and in a odd sort of way, a shelter. Not just during this, but also before, for my own various IRL stuff like the death of my grandparents
> And here we are: same place, same tone but with a different perspective...
It's creepy how my life was completely different when this was first wrote, and yours too. Different perspective indeed.
> I were a random reader instead of approaching them as the author
I'll have to give this a reread before I can comment on that.
> doesn´t mean that it needs a sequel desperately.
I understand.
> I have admitted many times that what I deliver and people call ""creative"" is just a bunch of pieces that are simply put together and I simply try to make them seem organic, as if they were meant to fit in this context.
That can be the essence of creativity though. A lot of things are stitched together or incrementally improved over completely new. Heck, FiM itself may count as that. I don't think you should view yourself as a "content creator" or fiction writer but I think you shouldn't be dismissive of anything you could do because of it.
> You mean the Star in Yellow, right? Perhaps I might take something out of them just to deliver something different and keep things varied.
Yes. A couple actually Your fic isn't the Star in Yellow, but you had a certain... how do I put it, dream haunting feeling that, regardless of it's flaws (I do want to reevaluate my analysis) awed me a little for reminding me of that feeling. Also, it is loosely inspired by a obscure story old story
> Nothing is planned and I can't promise anything.
Roger Roger.