Also, to bring a topic outside of politics and such. What do you think of the whole death battle thingy with Twily vs Ravan from teen titans? Frankly while I do find it fun that our fandom still has stuff like this happening, I hope that it doen't become a shrillfest. People take this show a bit too seriously...  that's the way fandoms are  I personally have always been circumspect to how it handles things, though I will admit I'm not someone who even seen half of them. Even times when I agreed wiith their verdict I often find myself disagreeing with how they reached it. There analysis is arbitrary and sometimes pretty lacking, they don't seem to have consistent rules with how they handle different canons and what not. Still, the fandom has certainly had some fun times with there stuff that I certainly would never wish away, and I hope this will be more towards that end.

As for the match up itself. Raven should win if they have any sanity, though I never read any of her comics or watched teem titans for that mater and this is from both stuff I remember from what exposure I had of TT and a little googling on the side. I will admit that TS is no joke. In a death battle both characters would be at their full natural strangth, so that partly makes up for Twilight's inconsistency in combat prowess AKA: AHHHH Timberwovles run! vs There's like a hundread changlings, no prob, fir' mah LAZER!. But this is just a death battle between the two of them, so no EOH or alicorn magic (though her actually having some agressive/knowing how to fight when push comes to shove maybe given to the stats they give her) boost. The implications of how strong she has been protrayed were have certainly went downhill, season 5 and 6 give way more negative marks on her score card then positive on combat ability in a fight like that. Unless they do something stupid like only teen titans the tv show canon and then try to justify a TS victory from that, I don't see how Twilight can win this by any sane basis.  Then again, I could be totally wrong and TS would make the most sense, I haven't seen/know enough of TT, though it would be a hard sell