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> Duchy of Courland, I knew it! It makes perfect sense. Thanks for General Kosciuszko! Who any true student of history will know was born THERE and not in Grand Duchy of Lithuania propper.
Top kek.

> France
Nope,nice try.

> Certainly not the worst in history were people in each others throats. Only new dynamic is social media allowing it to be shrilled in our faces. Which is still way better then problems slowly growing in the background then violence
In terms of that,it's better because at least,you can expect and even prevent the violent operations,not everything but for the most part,you can predict and anticipate the security from those events. The price for it is by having some kind of 1984 big brother for that though.

> Yeah she sure does. Though it is a good thing in reguards to entry level content and her fans not having as many crazy shrills, I still feel sorry for you guys over the lack of attention and how some can just be so dissmisive of her.
Well,it's not that bad to be honest. I think she is not claimed as the princess that ruined the show like back in 2012 becuase Twilicorn and EQG have received all the focus and frustrations to pay from ruining headcanons. It's mich better to be there without making noise and have a little niche for those who like her in a proper way. In the sense that you know she can't deliver you a lot but her presence is enough.

> Though considering the fact that the fandom has given extreme character depth background ponies and even one off characters who make only a single appearence have sometimes more stuff in some areas then a character who has appeared more often then them and has a lot of things that weren't as explored deeply as most of the other characters to this point you'd think she would get a bit more in depth solo stuff. Not to shrill, as you said there is significant benefits to her being a little under the radar, I just wish she got a bit more stuff.
We both do. However,she cannot be classified as a background character either for that kind of investment. She has appeared several times and has a defined personality and the only thing that separates her is exploiting what she has to a higher level of importance. The background pony treatment was unique in terms of having passion and desire to make something out of nothing. In 2014,that hype fell apart and with the introduction of more secondary characters,the less you focus on the ones who don't have any importance to the episodes.

> And no pony will stand in her way!
Maybe Chrysalis.....maybe...