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> Awfully slow. Is everyone gone now?

I thought that we would be waiting for the archive project to /end/ and it's actually coming to an end,they only have one day or two more for scraping/saving/downloading everything that is available before Alphabet decides to get rid of pre 2017 content that has been unlisted. There isn't much room left for action at this point though.

> I thought I had more content but this seems to be it today. 
Don't worry about that. However,she is looking devastated. Are you trying to channel your thoughts indirectly with this webm? Because if you miss any of these, aren't alone on that but there aren't many people around here to miss either. Have you been facing actual hard times lately?

> Trixie is left all alone with no friends.
No one listens to a legendary trip hop band like Massive Attack alone. Far from it.

And those friends never left...just that they were hibernating,in case that you were missing them.