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> Nope,nice try.


> The price for it is by having some kind of 1984 big brother for that though.

I could go on a tagent on this part. Though I consider myself neither a optimist or a pessimist on the over all outlook.

> Well,it's not that bad to be honest. I think she is not claimed as the princess that ruined the show like back in 2012 becuase Twilicorn and EQG have received all the focus and frustrations to pay from ruining headcanons. 

Funny enough, a lot of the people who claim the show is ruined now (and probably a fair bit joined around) fully accept Twicorn. It is Dolores that was their new object of hate. Depending on how the school is handled that could be (and in many ways already is becoming) the next target.

> We both do. However,she cannot be classified as a background character either for that kind of investment. She has appeared several times and has a defined personality and the only thing that separates her is exploiting what she has to a higher level of importance.

I suppose she could be seen as too homely and a bit too obligated to her duties as both princess of the crystal empire and now as a mother. She did get a fair bit made up roles and headcannon stuff when the hate for her had gone down in the hitaus between Season 2 and 3. I just find it a bit strage she just doesn't have a bit more starring stuff, inspite of what ya said. Again, I overall agree that even if this state is not most ideal it does have many benefits.

> Maybe Chrysalis.....maybe...

She certainly will try. Changlings reguard bridges as unholy sins. They prefer tunnels and other underground structures.