> The one I was arguing about said he lived in Portland OR so he couldn't even claim a dialect or cultural difference for his nonsense.
No, the young elites are trying to switch us over to britspeak to sound fancy, Actually, it maybe somewhat forgivable depending on his education and background. Maybe he adheres to a odder style guide, but it really gets me annoyed when someone goes aganist US spellings and grammar rules.

> Offering to protect the young mare from harm he convinces her to run off with him, and they spend the next two-plus decades at the barest edge of the law, but still together. In order to develop a name and a talent for the serving girl, of course to whom being known for a skill is of paramount cultural importance, the pair develop the persona of a masterthief.
Did you only write the last part of this or did you have a first part you posted earlier in the thread? Sorry if I am being retarded, but I need to know for commentary/analysis reasons.