> Ponyville, as if the ponies had never though to have a villa of their kind, before.
> Your appearance draws stares, but none are offended.
> The cider is … bitter.
> The fish is well seasoned, and their use of vegetables unfamiliar, but good.
> The green server, young, no horn, short. She has to work twice as hard.
> It's showing. She's tired.
> There she is, bringing two more ciders to … you?
> "Hey. I'm off shift; I don't suppose you'd want some company?"
> She sets the two ciders on the table
> Now she's tonguing something between her front legs.
> Straps fall away, and she lifts the tray off her back.
> Through clenched teeth, she calls "Barley!"
> The tray, along with the empty serving plate, all the straps begin to glow.
> In a pale blue aura they silently float away, floating after a unicorn server.
> That's not how kirin magic works
[next post]
> Roasting thinks about her beer & whiskey equipment.
> Her dad dumped out the mash in a fit of rage.
> How was it her fault wine tasted like vomitus, bottled?
> The human was about done with its food, and she didn't want to go home, yet.
> "Where you staying, then?"
> The human shrugged, mumbled something about sleeping in the woods.
> Friends of the whitetail? Surely even this creature doesn't sleep in the Everfree.
"I'm actually looking for work. I want to move out here. Somewhere among ponies."
> After that, the hulking giant reaches into a vest pocket and brings out an emerald.
"I'm also looking for the right place to sell these."
> Hops catches the sadness in its face as the human adds,
"They're my inheritance from my mother."
> A pony can't just sell something for 150b out here. Nopony has that much.
> "I know some rich people in Canterlot. But out here?"
> She explains that there's no apple orchard
> the 3rd harvest of carrots is weeks away.
> Maybe a new life in Canterlot is what's needed.
> She doesn't really want to go home anyway.
> "There's a barn being retrofitted into an inn."
> Roasting Hops notices this human's economy of motion.
> Every movement is easy, like he's a pegasus.
> But those arms bristle with an earth pony's muscles.
> Hops watches as the human freezes, eyes carefully following the kirin as walks past.
> But when the kirin has left, the human sighs, and finishes the scraps on the plate.
"Sure. Hopefully quieter than your nearby forest."
> The human really did mean the Everfree.
> Roasting Hops tells the human to wait, then grabs some of the booze.
> No way she's taking a cold blooded killer out on a date without slowing him down.
> Hopefully alcohol slows humans down.
> The human is leaning against a lamp post, on the other side of the street.
> Watching every pony walk past, the binocular vision of a hunter.
> Roasting gulps, and hopes this all works out.
> Get the mook to a fence, or a real gem buyer. Take a cut.
> Buy a home far away.
> Trottingham. Absolutely none of her family wares make it there.
> "Hello! And, what should I call you?"
"Anon. And you?"
> "Roasting Hops. Can I ask about your cutie mark?"