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Yes (usually, PoLS or POLS with a few varients but that still counts).

> Actually, it maybe somewhat forgivable depending on his education and background. Maybe he adheres to a odder style guid
That is a very good point. I know people who were taught a certain way or adhere to certain style guides. Sometimes things can be in mid transition or a mixed state where both parties are right.

>  it really gets me annoyed when someone goes aganist US spellings and grammar rules.
It is interesting, though I wouldn't want to derail the discussion till you post your thoughts on CB's fic/green here, but it has seemed a lot of stuff has been feeling awfully British later in the US of A. I've noticed even in the local newscast now sometimes they say "Taken to Hospital" over "Taken to the Hospital" or some pronunciations starting to override US ones. Hostile versus Host-ile. Missile vs Miss-ile. Even caught myself saying Mer-uh-lend wrong once as Maryland! I still have a lot of Texan lexicon so one would think I would be resistant!