>  Sometimes things can be in mid transition or a mixed state where both parties are right.
Oh,it's worse then that. I decided to make this post separate from the review just to highlight this one point:
> Hops left her boss' chin scratching 
> boss'
Oh, without even seeing the argument, I have a pretty good guess this was a major cause of it. Massive autism fit even. Possessives do that to people and let me tell you that you were all probably correct.
> But even the most apostrophe-savvy people can be vanquished by these tiny daggers of punctuation. Take, for example, the following passage: We met James’ and Chaz’s boss’ sister, along with Max’s boss’s brother.

> Linger a moment over those possessives — those wildly inconsistent and counterintuitive uses of apostrophes and S. There’s no way those can be right, right?

> Wrong. According to Associated Press Style, they’re all correct —from the lonely apostrophe after James to the apostrophe plus S after Max to the two different ways of forming the possessive of the word “boss.”

> It gets worse: On any given day, you could read one news source with possessives written exactly as above, then surf to another news site and see possessives done a bit differently, then open a book and see yet another system. And they’re all correct because different editing styles have different rules for singular possessives ending in S.
Everybody got to keep that in mind and not be grammar nazis to each other. 

> "Taken to Hospital" over "Taken to the Hospital" or some pronunciations starting to override US ones. Hostile versus Host-ile. Missile vs Miss-ile. Even caught myself saying Mer-uh-lend wrong once as Maryland! I still have a lot of Texan lexicon so one would think I would be resistant!
I have noticed some of this. I think it our more youthful elite and some people just picking shit up because they think it sounds better. Especially with the British pronunciations on anything ending with iles. 

Well, anyway, hope you anons enjoyed my review, sorry if I overdosed on the color tags, I just couldn't help but use them over the normal and more limited options of most chans I visit.