> Oh, without even seeing the argument, I have a pretty good guess this was a major cause of it.
Yeah. I wouldn't even mind that I was told I used the wrong possessive for a word that ends in -s. But it was the unwavering arrogance that all different opinions are only held by mindless piles of trash that I reacted badly to it.
> Everybody got to keep that in mind and not be grammar nazis to each other.
(insert Flutts in uniform)
"You think grammar is an em effing GAME ?!"
Errhm. Anyway.
I'm glad you overall-liked it.
> For as much as one could mock it all as escapist fantasy,
I mean ... is there any other reason to write fan fiction?
> I say the same for the world as well.
As I said with something else, I wasn't the first to think of it. That same fan-fic, that got so many complaints about purple prose, plus the steam roller of the canon adding races and rites and history, it was completely redone and while I liked part of it, I miss the lion-kirin taking charge when the princesses both disappeared and roping in humans to help out the suddenly rudderless ponies. Is that mixing my metaphors? Not until I pour it into a blender I borrowed from Pinky!
> That you thought up on details of how this world and all these characters that makes me give some leeway with what I normally don't like
A big part of what I like, I think, in writing fan-fiction is having a complete world. I don't want to write about meeting a friend for coffee and focusing on how the coffee feels as it rolls down the MC's throat. I want to hint at how the riots in the main coffee growing countries have caused two factions to emerge, one using dark magic to force-grow coffee plants in a completely unreasonable soil, resulting in cursed (but tasty!) beans, and another who is importing dirt to try and grow the plants naturally but has made a lot of enemies, and all the wrong friends resulting in a strained supply line and high prices but at least it tastes natural, as coffee should. Just don't work as a courier. Like the rainbow-factory rumors, once you're in, you can never get out except in a body bag.
And why, today, does our MC care about the coffee's texture? Why, the outlet had to switch to the cursed beans, and our MC immediately knows what's wrong!
(Being an expert in curses after reading several Daring Do novels and traveling Equestria to disprove Yearling's presentation of magic)
Yeah, you should get a sense of world-building from me. It's kinda my shtick, I guess.