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>>/7834/ > So, on that note, here's a piece of nostalgia for ... certain of you. That would be me bridgefag Honestly, I found it a little uncanny at first but I like what they did with this song. If they could have the sheild in someway that would've been better. Video related I... well I am enjoying it but for reasons more closer to this: >>/7822/ > A big part of what I like, I think, in writing fan-fiction is having a complete world. I don't want to write about meeting a friend for coffee and focusing on how the coffee feels as it rolls down the MC's throat. I want to hint at how the riots in the main coffee growing countries have caused two factions to emerge, one using dark magic to force-grow coffee plants in a completely unreasonable soil, resulting in cursed (but tasty!) beans, and another who is importing dirt to try and grow the plants naturally but has made a lot of enemies, and all the wrong friends resulting in a strained supply line and high prices but at least it tastes natural, as coffee should. I, upon seeing this picture, am entertained at thinking what situation is going on for Twilight to be part of a convoy armed with a gun. Amused at thinking what Twilight's almost happy sounding dry sarcasm (or maybe she is being sincere?) > Hey friend I know the world is scary right now but, ITS GONNA GET A LOT WORSE! She could be totally serious, saying, enjoy this moment you have your idiot, it's going to be a lot worse when we start to really lose the war and don't have proper food anymore. Though one thing to be fair, unlike sometimes, Fortunate Son doesn't apply if a princess is fighting with you on that level. > ANYWHERE on the board which I could kinda stand behind but it meant you couldn't fill the new thread of the best .webms or .mp3s of the old thread. >>/7835/ > How many dups are there? If it happens sometimes, no biggie, if it happens a lot then yeah that is a problem. We mainly did this do to edits at the time. A few dups don't bug me but I can see where CB is coming from. Perhaps I'll turn it on and see if any updates have occurred and I can turn it on or off when needed too.