> Essay or fic, this sounds interesting.
It can be either awfully mediocre or turn into a highlight worth reading, clarifying something that, not only tackles a little bit the personal background, but also something that will be shared in public for the first time...because I am telling you that this doesn´t simply limit to /endpone/ alone...
In this case, if you were missing an essay, I can deliver this one (even though gen 5´s movie is coming up too)
> Especially if what I think it is.
well, that Skystar smile reveals a lot of what you are excepting from the inside, doesn´t she?
Still,even if you are already suspecting it, anyone who has read the previous posts can already figure out where this is going. However, I need to approach it with a more precise focus for approaching this without needing any context outside the essay on its own.
However, I consider the essay as a way to add an additional layer on top of the baseline. I don´t need to write it but it is quite likely that more than person will find something interesting out of it.