> This picture is from a year ago, and we think we've fixed it but ...I wasn't joking about the rain.
You definitely weren't. I have never doubted about that despite not knowing the state or area where you are living/reporting this climate. As for other aspects,it is natural to notice that change. For me,it goes a little bit more progressive than this. Rain hasn't arrived with that level of intensity yet
What HAS changed from last year though and leaves me perplexed...
> or stuff flipping. Meet the new BO for that place. Except I can't log in from work because of absolute DNS nonsense.
Expect per-post-captcha to be turned off some time tonight though.
...is that I am surrounded by people who are running entire imageboards and I have been personally interacting for years (unless that you count me as a BO for a sporadic board on Nextchan for a very short while). It seems that you have managed to succeed in applying for the ownership of 8kun's /pone/. That's not a small feat really because you are handling a historical board right here! (I am starting to believe that /endpone/ is silently influential on the fanbase because of moves of this kind but that's overestimating in a delusional manner its limited influence)
You have been looking for it for so long. You reap what you sow and we are just witnessing the natural consequence of what you have truly wanted to achieve in that place. No one else would have dared to take this step.
If 8/pone/ has had no future in recent times,any direction that aims to guide it in some way is way better than nothing. Good luck and congratulations!
Bridgefag is going to be very excited whenever he reads this announcement...