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So, you are newly in charge of 8/pone/? I am not sure how active I could be there again. I mean, I hate to post there now with all the glowing over the past few years, but if you keep it up and maintain it I will be happy. For as long as continuity is maintained, even if it 8kun dies, /pone/ is not yet lost.

A salute is order. 

> that I am surrounded by people who are running entire imageboards and I have been personally interacting for years
I haven't run anything and have no inclinations for leadership! So that is at least one lurker who is lower rank!

>  am starting to believe that /endpone/ is silently influential
/endpone/ maybe a faggy bastard son of /mlp/, /pone/ and /flutter/ but it's existence in this case ensured /pone/'s continue existence—iwould CB anon have stuck around in chans if all he had was /mlp/ and Ponychan? I somehow doubt it. This place managed to be a redoubt that, while not /pone/ in culture, kept some type of spark alive. /endpone/ also came to /flutter/'s aid on it's deathbed. /go/ was saving comments before /mlp/ even tried to. It's influence is relative in what is now a small conor of the fandom but most latter day rump boards such as this just fuck around till they die. /endpone/ is leaps and bounds above many boards far larger for actually getting shit done sometimes.