thumbnail of PMV_HaveEvrSeen-Rain.mp4
thumbnail of PMV_HaveEvrSeen-Rain.mp4
PMV_HaveEvrSeen-Rain mp4
(7.14 MB, 426x234 h264)
thumbnail of QirinClim.webm
thumbnail of QirinClim.webm
QirinClim webm
(15.23 MB, 640x360 vp9)
thumbnail of Kirin-CanCanCant.webm
thumbnail of Kirin-CanCanCant.webm
Kirin-CanCanCant webm
(9.97 MB, 854x480 vp9)
thumbnail of mlp-tng-pmv.webm
thumbnail of mlp-tng-pmv.webm
mlp-tng-pmv webm
(2.31 MB, 1280x720 vp9)
thumbnail of FoE_ERBoE-writers.mp4
thumbnail of FoE_ERBoE-writers.mp4
FoE_ERBoE-writers mp4
(2.29 MB, 320x180 h264)
> Though one thing to be fair, unlike sometimes, Fortunate Son doesn't apply if a princess is fighting with you

Turns out there's no PMV of Fortunate Son. Can't imagine why a band from the '70s wouldn't be more influential on folks born with half a decade of the Y2K nonevent but okay.

Have the one CCR PMV I could find.
Also I'm reposting for the .webm thread a couple kirin songs that were mentioned in the middle of the chat thread, I think, just before this thread was launched.

Also, our first g5-pmv. First I've seen, anyway. The song is Levitating, which is interesting but there isn't much levitation in the movie to use so it's just a montage of the girls so whatever.

 And the last of the FoE-ERBoE -- KKat vs Somber. Didn't know I had skipped it somehow.

my browser still refuses to play the audio portion.