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>>/7931/ > yet I do have genuine suspicions that this movie is looking eeeerm, more European than expected. You are indeed correct. > Because yeah, we might get too motivated and spread hate racist propaganda by moving our heads up and down while we are listening to Smells Like Teen Spirit like angsty teenagers and turn the EU into the fascist Empire for conquering the entire world. I think the movie went overboard with it. Don't they know that the EU is the home of fascism and genocide? My goodness, I didn't see it before. You better watch out L23 listening to Smells like Teen Spirit may make you unleash your inner Franco and start another white terror. The United States has already abandoned it's obligations to spread social justice to the world settling instead for liberalism in one country... so things could get pretty bad. > (Sprout Cloverleaf did nothing wrong) I unironically want to trigger someone with this line. >>/7932/ > released on the same day in which Nevermind got its 30th anniversary Really? That would surprise me if they actually planned that for that but it would even be more surprising if it was just a coincidence. > we are left with some faces that...well, could be worthy meme material. Oh boy, lips don't work on ponies. I thought Izzy was the worst with this unfortunately. As for posting some more pre formal review thoughts, I think my best response/adding to what you say here is this: I don't think this is FiM, I think it is still pretty good ways away from it, but when you see people rant about modern media having no "soul" well, this didn't have a full soul but some sparks that leave me thinking this next stage of the ride may not be so bad. I couldn't believe Izzy wasn't memey and hyperactive as much as naive and happy go lucky. The little main 6 cameo and other little possible nodes that you point out: > This movie combines parts of Mare in the Moon (the broken bridge, the moment in which Izzy helps Sunny so she doesn´t fall on the mountain with her horn), School Daze-Raze and the Ending of the End (racism against other species), The Beginning of the End (with the 3 crystals), Magical Mystery Cure (Sunny´s transformation) and Hearth´s Warming Eve (conflict among pegasus, unicorns and earth ponies without being narrated as a fairy tale). It seems a bit of the spirit of FiM is there. It seems there is a bit of soul here. Just as much though, the shadow of formulaic corporate marketing and possible social justice remain (again, though, this is not a really woke work, so much as one that is framed as such, I really need to explain this better in detail). I could see this go wrong in a million ways. I could see the series be entirely meme marketing. Izzy and Pipp being written as too Pony Life style meme and shitposting machines and writers taking the series and try to make Sunny a literal woke activist. Even if it doesn't, I could see them trashing the mane 6's legacy in some way, possibly with your hero's aren't completely good message (though unlikely with the admiration they displayed and how it would be stepping on the toes of the previous series) or having something like Twilight Sparkle return in a sad husk of her former self. I am not going to put caution to the wind on any of that. But the fact that this didn't leave a completely bitter taste in my mouth and that I could even have the chance to enjoy this passively means it has already exceeded my expectations. > We aren´t going to get another gen 4 but for sure, the nature of MLP is heavily (if not absolutely) influenced by the writing delivered in the 2010s. Gen 4 has opened a path that would arrive at a point of no return (the real turning point of this franchise as a whole) I wounder if we will be like Transformers with a couple of series that take place in the same continuity and then a bunch of reboots that mix the elements of G4 with new stuff and old and retellings and new expansions of older lore aimed at older fans that often disappoint!