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> So that is at least one lurker who is lower rank!
and even those who are in the lowest ranks, status has to be proven and earned anyway. Even with the assumption of ranks in this place, who is there to recognize those ranks if one stays mostly anonymous, anyway? Even the old polish BO (I am saluting him), while he had all the tools to whatever he felt like doing,he apparently showed a mundane mindset without displaying any sort of ownership in his behavior for one year and a half. I guess that the executions of that gesture (whether it was from abandonment or lack of motivation to get involved into the board) is what truly counts at the end of the day. I might have spent almost 4 years on this board yet every new posts feels like a soft reset and thus, ranks means nothing in practice. But oh well, I´ll let you to interpret it in that way.

> /endpone/ maybe a faggy bastard son of /mlp/, /pone/ and /flutter/

Because that influence of that mix comes from the main recurrent users that visited those sites prior the project for this one.I cannot measure the exact amount of influence that each place has had for /endpone/ but I will say that I have done things on this board that I wouldn´t have been capable to do on /mlp/ . Maybe the faggy nature might come from the fact that I don´t tend to display a shitposting side for the most part (there are posts that in which I deliver that mode but it is not the dominant tone) so maybe, taking out the mask for performing in front of the masses (or other fans), it leads to what one would say behind the scenes and reveal what one truly thinks about X topic.

> /endpone/ also came to /flutter/'s aid on it's deathbed. / but it's existence in this case ensured /pone/'s continue existence—iwould CB anon have stuck around in chans if all he had was /mlp/ and Ponychan? I somehow doubt it. This place managed to be a redoubt that, while not /pone/ in culture, kept some type of spark alive. 
Indeed. That combination shows actually the track record of the us
it would shock me quite a bit that fans in hindsight associate /endpone/ as the board that assassinated /flutter/.

> /go/ was saving comments before /mlp/ even tried to.
Bridgefag is the true seer. Actually, not only that but there was a thread on /mlp/ from a few months ago where they have mentioned this same thread (NMAiE), by linking the other threads and set up all the organization for locating things in a much more accessible manner. 

And even when /mlp/ jumped onto the ship for saving comments, Bridgefag and his YT comment partner were involved in it. So, basically, even outside of /endpone/, the people from this board actually took part of that YT comments project.
> It's influence is relative in what is now a small conor of the fandom but most latter day rump boards such as this just fuck around till they die.
I visit this place because of tradition and pretty much, one gets a transparent/faithful idea of what any of its recurrent users are going to show towards any topic because of constant presence/activity on the board.

> /endpone/ is leaps and bounds above many boards far larger for actually getting shit done sometimes.

I appreciate the praise but that´s way too positive for this board. /endpone/ has had many problems, especially when it comes to activity (you can blame me for this) and getting into periods of crisis because of lack of ambition or the undefined direction that one has to face each day. This cannot be seen as the holy grail for altchans and even if one had delusional expectations to beat someone else, reality comes in and what you find is an incredible amount of freedom yet you find yourself limited because things work accordingly to the circumstances. 

One has to simply acknowledge what one actually has and avoid any unrealistic projections/expectations towards this board´s future. 

I will give you one thing: the board has lasted way longer than expected and that´s not a small feat. Otherwise, I don´t see it much different from what it was back in 2017 to be honest.